23rd Jan 2025

Lil' Guardsman joins the Dunk Dunk cameo roster! New playtest live NOW!


‘Sup folks!

It’s time for another indie game cameo character to join the Dunk Dunk roster and this time we’ve got Lil, from Lil’ Guardsman! What better point guard to add to your team? Check out her cameo reveal trail below!

And that’s not all! We’re starting a new outta this world playtest TODAY! (It’s outta this world because it’s a spacey court)

JUMP in to Dunk Dunk from today and help us playtest some new mutators AND try out Lil’ for yourself! We’ve got HIGH gravity and the saw blade “ball” for you this time, I’d LOVE to see some sniper shots with that blade so if you get any good clips, please send them my way on Discord!

P.S Did you know Steam now supports screen recording built-in?

Go get DUNK’ing and let us know how you get on with the game!

It’s also Lil’ Guardsman’s ONE YEAR anniversary, so go give them some love too!

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