
Greetings, valued employee. You have been tasked with sorting the Ringo CorpoNation's genetic samples.

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Press Kit
Developer Canteen
Publisher Playtonic Friends
Genre Dystopian Narrative

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Greetings, valued employee. You have been tasked with sorting the Ringo CorpoNation’s genetic samples. With the credits that you earn, you can shop, game and pay your bills on time. Rogue workers may try to entice you into betraying your beloved employer, but we know you’ll give 110%.

Genre Dystopian Narrative Players 1 Rating TBD
CorpoNation: The Sorting Process

Out now on Steam, Nintendo Switch and Xbox platforms.


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Greetings, valued employee.

You have been tasked with sorting the Ringo CorpoNation’s genetic samples. With the credits that you earn, you can shop, game and pay your bills on time. Rogue workers may try to entice you into betraying your beloved employer, but we know you’ll give 110%.