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13th Nov 2024

Last few days of the Cattle Country Beta!


Howdy folks!

First up, thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has taken part in this first round of the Cattle Country open beta. We’ve gotten a lot of incredible, constructive feedback to collate and read through which will help shape the game going forward. This feedback is absolutely invaluable and we appreciate everyone who’s taken the time to post on the forums, fill out the feedback form or share thoughts in our Discord!

This first round of the beta will be ending after Monday the 18th so that we can get to work going through everything you’ve shared but there’s still some valuable days before then to get playing and give us your thoughts!

Here’s how you can get involved!

1) Play the Beta on Steam! – Explore the small demo slice we’ve created, play through a bunch of systems and get a taste for what the full game will entail!

2) Share your thoughts! – We’ve had a lot of great feedback but we’d always appreciate more! Take a moment to post on the forums, or fill out this feedback form with some extra prompts to help guide your feedback

3) Join the community! – Engage with folks in the Steam forums or pop into the Playtonic & Friends Discord to chat directly with the team and fellow ranchers in the specific Cattle Country channels!

Thank (and I cannot stress this enough) YOU for all your support so far, enjoy the next few days of the Beta period, we’ll share news again soon when the next round is starting!

Cattle Country on Steam


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