Happy Tuesday!
We hope you’ve been enjoying the recent Playtonic Friends news with our first game announcement as a publisher: Demon Turf. If you missed it, get caught up with all the deets here.
We thought we’d give you the lowdown on the playable demo that’s currently available over on Steam, Demon Turf Trials.
Demon Turf Trials isn’t your typical demo. Not only do players get to experience what Demon Turf is all about, and explore the first area, it also offers weekly challenges that change every Thursday at midnight (BST). Make sure you write a note of it in your calendar!
In addition, Fabraz, the developers of this devilish delight, created a challenge to entice you all: complete the Trials and see where you land on the leaderboard. If you reign supreme at the end of the weekly challenge, earn bragging rights AND immortalisation in the main game with a unique portrait. Flash us a winning smile, won’t you?
If bragging rights and a portrait in Demon Turf isn’t enough to sway you, there’s an additional prize that’s SUPER exclusive. A t-shirt with the wannabe Demon Queen herself, Beebz, that has been specially designed for the event. Yes, that’s right, you won’t be able to get it anywhere else!
So get your controller of choice at the ready and test your skills.
To learn more about Demon Turf Trials and all the recent patches, check out all the details over on Steam here.
Don’t forget to follow Playtonic Friends over on Twitter here, to keep up-to-date with everything we’re up to. You never know what hints we may drop…
Follow our partners Fabraz on Twitter here for more Demon Turf delights.